english version below

Seit 1890 funktioniert das Unternehmen störungsfrei und ohne Unterbrechung: Jeden Morgen sammeln in Mumbai 5000 Essensausträger, die Dabbawallahs, in Teamarbeit über 200.000 heiße Essensbehälter bei den Ehefrauen ein.

Vier Stunden später werden sie quer durchs Verkehrsgewühl der 20-Millionen-Metropole in die Büros und an die Arbeitsplätze ihrer Männer geliefert. Damit jeder zur Mittagspause seine religiös und ethnisch korrekte Hausmannskost bekommt. Eine logistische, organisatorische und pragmatische Meisterleistung. Vielleicht auch ein Modell für Indiens wirtschaftliche Zukunft?

Die Sendung verknüpft dokumentarisches Material, Interviews und Spielszenen zu einem Hörstück über das indische Alltagsleben. Geschichten mit und über Menschen, die sich mit unaufgeregtem Pragmatismus in einer multikulturellen und multireligiösen Mega-City einrichten. Denn zwischen Verkehrschaos und 14-Stunden-Arbeitstag scheint es wenig Zeit für einen Kampf der Kulturen zu geben.

Autor und Regie: Jean-Claude Kuner
Ursendung: SWR / 11.05.2008
Preise / Auszeichnungen: Basler Featurepreis ’08; Prix Marulic (Kategorie Documentary) 2009

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An exploration of modern India told through the story of the Dabawallahs, the people working in the highly efficient meal delivery system of Mumbai. Each morning 5,000 Dabbawallahs collect approximately 200,000 meal containers in the suburbs and deliver them to offices in the city centre. Four hours later the empty containers are collected and returned. It’s a delivery system that started in the 1890s to accommodate people from different ethnic backgrounds with strict rules about how food should be prepared. It functions without managers or supervision; most of the workers are illiterate and all receive the same wages.

Author + director: Jean-Claude Kuner
Broadcast: ABC / 14.11.2008
Awards: Basler Featurepreis 08, Prix Marulic (Category Documentary) 2009


Home made food is best for health and because health is wealth. Outside junk foods may take your life and makes you sick. In fact bad food is the reason #1 of all the diseases. Home made food is best for health and because health is wealth. Outside junk foods may take your life and makes you sick. In fact bad food is the reason #1 of all the diseases. Home made food is best for health and because health is wealth. Outside junk foods may take your life and makes you sick. In fact bad food is the reason #1 of all the diseases. Home made food is best for health and because health is wealth. Outside junk foods may take your life and makes you sick. In fact bad food is the reason #1 of all the diseases. Home made food is best for health and because health is wealth. Outside junk foods may take your life and makes you sick. In fact bad food is the reason #1 of all the diseases.Home made food is best for health and because health is wealth. Outside junk foods may take your life and makes you sick. In fact bad food is the reason #1 of all the diseases. Home made food is best for health and because health is wealth. Outside junk foods may take your life and makes you sick. In fact bad food is the reason #1 of all the diseases. Home made food is best for health and because health is wealth. Outside junk foods may take your life and makes you sick. In fact bad food is the reason #1 of all the diseases. Home made food is best for health and because health is wealth. Outside junk foods may take your life and makes you sick. In fact bad food is the reason #1 of all the diseases. 

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